Thursday 30 December 2010

NHS v2

Apa nak jadi ni, almost 2 weeks anak bongsu belum hilang batuknya. Even sudah bagi ubat dari farmasi, tapi belum lega. Badan dah keding, 2 minggu tak makan tinggal rangka aje....skinny. Bukan itu aje, kami pun for the past 2 weeks tidoq malam pun macam ayam, kadang tu dia menangis subuh, batuk berterusan dan macam-macam lagi.

So nekad ke NHS medical centre untuk mendapat rawatan secepat yang mungkin. Sekitar 1030 sampai,
Me:Morning, I would like to make an appointment for my kid. Mr. D.
NHS: Can I arrange it next week.
Me:Nop, my son have been coughing for the past 2 weeks. Indeed he unable to sleep at night. Can I see the doctor today.
NHS: Oh!!!, does he has a fever.
Me:Yes, last week. But at moment he doesn't has any more fever but still continuosly coughing.
NHS: He is 2 yo and 10 months. Ok, you can come around 11.30am today but you might need to wait.
Me: That's good. Thanks a lot. Bye

Lebih kurang begitu skripnya. You must tau pusing-pusing untuk mendapatkan sesuatu. Good luck.

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